Timetable of the first project-meeting in Anamur (Turkey)

Date: Monday 31st to Friday 4th of November 2011
Place: Anamur,  Mersin, Turkey
Airport: Antalya Airport

Aims of the meeting:

  • meet and learn about the partners
  • observe Turkish culture and education system
  • expose the learning situation in schools and how you can make it better
  • look into the problem of Self-Evaluation in a scientific way,
  • look for proposals of dealing with the problem of Self-Evaluation,
  • prepare some questionaries for further search
  • decide the mobility programme within next 2 years (2011-13)

30.10.2011 Sunday :  Arrival

31.10.2011 Monday:  Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Learn to know each other. Observe  the school-situation in a Turkish secondary school. Presentation by  Turkish Project group. Discussing the theme: Better Quality in Schools by Self-Eva. Daily Evaluation

01.11.2011 Tuesday: Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Visiting different schools in  Anamur. Meeting in Anamur National Education Directorate. Daily Evaluation

2.11.2011 Wednesday: Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Work on important questions for the project SELF-EVA  with the computers. Please bring USB-Sticks or Laptops with you. Cultural  sight-seeing in Anamur-Ören Daily evaluation

03.11.2011 Thursday: Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Work on the project  at school. Daily evaluation. Cultural night and Farewell Party.

04.11.2011 Friday: Departure