Aims of the meeting
- meet and learn about the partners and their countries
- expose the learning situation in schools and how you can make it better
- look into the problem of Self-Evaluation in a scientific way,
- look for proposals of dealing with the problem of Self-Evaluation,
- talk about the work and the possible timetable of the projec SELF-EVA,
- write an application to install a LIFE LONG LEARNING (L.L.L)-Comenius-PROJECT
- to be applied by 19th of February 2011 for the next two years (2011-13)
- 17.01. Arrival in Munich airport, transfer to the hotel
- 18.01. Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel - Preparatory meeting in Schrobenhausen. All the participants meet for the first time. Learn to know each other. See the school-situation in a German secondary school. Discussing the theme: Better Quality in Schools by Self-Evaluation
- 19.01. Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Work on the project in Munich. Visiting different schools. Meeting in the Bavarian Comenius Office and in the Ministry of Education
- 20.01. Meeting at 10:00 in front of the hotel. Work on the application for the project SELF-EVA with the Computers. Please bring USB-Sticks or Laptops with you.
- 21.01. Departure day.