Staatliche Realschule Schrobenhausen
Georg-Leinfelder-Str. 18
86529 Schrobenhausen
Tel: +49 8252 89590
Fax: +49 8252 82393
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The Franz-von-Lenbach-School is situated in a rural area near the three big cities Munich, Augsburg and Ingolstadt. The unemployment-rate is low, but a lot of migrant workers live in our area. The children of these migrant workers are in the schools and they need special help. Most of the migrant workers children are from Turkey and Greece.
The school has a lot of experience in Comenius projects, the headmaster Roland Schneidt is moderator in Bavaria for Comenius projects and is willing to coordinate this project.
The role of the school is to co-ordinate the project, especially to help the schools of the new partners.