St Stephen’s RC Primary School
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St Stephen's RC Primary School is located in an area of high deprivation. The number of pupils with Special Educational needs is well above the national average as is the number of pupils who claim free school meals. As well as the social and economic deprivation there is also a deprivation of aspiration among pupils and parents; something which the school is working hard to address. In order to do this we have devised a number of curriculum projects which have won regional and national acclaim.
Because of the small, but significant, growth of 'right wing minority groups' in the local area another pressing issue which the school is keen to address is the threat of racist attitudes developing among young people. We have a growing Indian community in school and we are working hard to ensure that they feel secure and valued in our school.
To expand pupils' understanding of the world in which they live and combat negative or prejudicial views forming, we have formed extensive links with schools around the world but mainly in places where we can learn more about conflict resolution. Therefore we have links with schools in Rwanda and Northern Ireland.
Through Self Evaluaton we are able to identify appropriate areas for development and an integral part of the process is pupil voice. This project will help us sustain our internationalism and our ability to develop and refine our methods of evaluation thus securing better outcomes for our young people.